Saturday, September 18, 2010

My Mom

My mom's favorite singer. Frankie blue eyes. What does one say about a mom that is 96 years old and still going. Well that is my mom. Her name is Maryanne and she is 96 and has a head full of hair all of her teeth and wears rings on her fingers and gold around her neck and still has her nails done. I don’t have my hair done nor my nails and I wear one ring, my wedding ring. Well I am not my mom not yet anyway. At least my kids don’t say that I am. LOL. Well Mom is in the hospital as I am writing this blog. Nothing too bad but is a-little under the weather. At the age of 96 you would think one would be from time to time. She lives with my sister in Texas and needs some help with walking. Her legs are getting weak and uses a walker but nothing than that all of her blood work and everything else is okay. I can’t see her due to my problems here and living in Ohio keeps us apart but everyday I try to talk to her on the phone. I keep thinking will I live that long. If I do I hope I am no burden to anyone. I see what it does to my sister who took on the job of keeper. It isn't an easy job I know that but I can’t help in anyway but just be here for when either one wants to talk. I guess that is my job to listen to them when they want to talk about any problems or what is going on in their lives. What tomorrow will bring only God knows and that is my motto from now on. “WHAT TOMORROW WILL BRING ONLY GOD KNOWS” IS ONLY TO BE MY TITLE OF THE BOOK TITLE  I am writing. It won’t be the best seller but It will be worth while for everyone to read. Being a cop’s wife has some advantage because I have stories and more stories. Than I have everyday stories about my every day life and being a wife, mother, grandmother makes for good reading. In my long years of living I have had some great stories to tell. I won’t mention names or bring into my book people I know or if I do I will change things so no one will know whom I am talking about . Can’t hurt anyone because it would be a problem. Believe me some stories would hurt and some will make you laugh till you would pee your pants and some you will cry. I remember things way back when but do you know I can’t remember what I ate yesterday. Did I eat ? Can’t remember if I did or not. You see that is my problem? Hee Hee. Well that is it for today I am running out of words or space but either one I am going. So for today from my home to yours I send you many hugs. This is JoAnne signing off. God bless.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

What will tomorrow bring?

Do you ever wonder what will tomorrow bring? I wonder each and every night. After I turn off the lights and turn down the covers on the bed and get ready for bed I say to myself What will tomorrow bring. I think back to the earlier day and think will it bring a sad day or will it bring a happy day. I say to myself will my day be filled with joy or sadness? My days are previous to me and each day is so important to me. I make the most of them for I don't know if the next will come. I want the one day I still have to last forever. As you get older they seem to become less and less. When you are young and filled with so much energy your days go slow and you never seem to get to that point of old age but boy when you get to the age of being older the days have speed like no other speed.

Don't you remember when you wanted to be 21 and then when you become 21 30 comes within time like no other time. What took 9 years seems like it took a few months to achieve. 30 was the worse birthday I ever celebrated. I cried for days when I celebrated 30.

The time I enjoyed the most was when I was in my teens and said I was older but knew I was only a teenager. LOL and then when I was no longer a teenager I wish I was again back in those wonderful years. I didn't care of school that much until I was out of school then I missed it so much I wished I was back in school. Crazy Huh?

Thats life I guess. Life goes on and on and you want to turn back the clock but you cant but you always wish you could see the future and you cant you just can't win either way. So what tomorrow will bring only God knows and I am not God so I have to wait till tomorrow and hope for the best. The best could just about anything these days. I pray it will nothing horrible maybe something not too bad maybe something alittle special I deserve something alittle good for these past years have been kinda rotten but I manage to get through them with alittle faith and good family. So till next time take it easy say alittle prayer, have a little faith and smile you may be on candid camera. Thats another story. So until I come back with that one Hugs from my home to yours this is JoAnne saying so long for now.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ohio State fight song

On this special day 9/11 I wanted to remember all that passed away and also the families left behind. And also Ohio State where I spent alot of time when my youngest daughter attended and I visited so many times. Bringing special pkgs. and money of course to help her out gosh it was a wonderful time in her life. She has many fond memories of those wonderful days. Some bad memories but we won't go into those. but I enjoyed going there and she has a nice background of education from OSU so now it paid off in her later years. So remember today and say a prayer for all those that are still here on earth and those that lost someone. We will always remember that day and still brings tears to my eyes. God bless everyone and God bless America.

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

My daughter's father in law passes away

Hello everyone.
Well a good man has joined the ranks of the angels in heaven. Clayton Nicholson has passed away today Sept. 1, 2010. He would have been 78 in November. A good man and a good Christman man as well. He loved to fish so now God has Peter the fisherman and Now he has Clayton the fisherman. They will get along rather nicely because they both love to fish. Clayton had cancer and suffer for only 2 wks. He went fast and for that we are all grateful. God was kind to him not making it harder for the family and keeping him longer on earth. He had cancer of the stomach and didn't eat or drink for several days and just stopped breathing. God bless him and his family. My son in law is taking it okay but he doesn't do well with things of this nature. He was close to his father and has only fond memories of him because he always said he had a wonderful childhood. Isn't that nice to have good memories of your folks. His mom is the nicest person I have met. They are of the Baptist faith and did alot for their church. They should name a hall or bus for Clayton. He did so much for the church. well I wanted to do this little post in his honor. So to you Clayton I say to you go fishing everyday now without pain and enjoy your life with your Heaven Father and your family you have up there. We will miss you but we know you are in a better place. God keep you safe and enjoy everyday till we met again. Say hi to my dad just introduce your self. He likes to fish as well. His name is Ralph everyone calls him Bucky so if you see a nice man with beautiful blue eyes and he is fishing go up and ask if he is Bucky and if he answers yes he is my dad. Tell him I pray for him every day and will see him someday when God calls me home.