Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Hi everyone,
Well I recover in my home with my 4th back surgery I thought I would take the time to update everything  that is going on in my life.
     After being denied rehab. in a rehab. hospital I had to go home from the hospital after 2 1/2 days. You must stay in 3 days for any surgery in order for medicare to pay for rehab. Well the hospital would not let me stay one more day and for this I wasn't able to go to rehab. Now I am unable to put no more than 20 % on my right side of my body. You try to walk up or down steps using one leg because of the weight problem on the other leg. with no 1st floor bathroom I am confined to my Family room on a day bed with a bed side toilet. My hubby who is doing everything for me has to take the pot down stairs or upstairs to empty it out everytime I go. I am so mad at the system of this government taking over the medical hospitals, medicare, insurances. This is one of the new rule in the past year that they created. Being an older person anymore is no fun. They have taken so much away from our insurance companies and medicare this is a darn right mess. Now I may be older but I am young at heart and my age is only a number to me. I don't feel or act my age.
    Oh well, I won't talk about this subject anymore because it really makes me much more upset.

     Well one thing I have to say is I am getting my hooked rugs down for orders and a show that I have been invited to do. So this has helped in some way. I am going to make good used of the time I have till I am able to use both legs. Another 2 weeks and away I go, I hope.

I have started to make my own media as well. I used to make glitter dolls, santas, bunnies and so many other items. They are selling very well. I will try to post some pictures if I can. I love making these dolls because they are made out of paper mache and alum. foil and then I mold them by hand into the subjects I am making at the time. The process is quite long but well worth it when you see the final item.
Well with spring coming and all I am on the bunny kick and chicks. Real nice.
Well again till next time I will sign out now with this last thought. "Don't look back if you want to go forward".
Hugs, JoAnne


Today is Wed. April 30/2014
I am recovering from my fourth back surgery. I am doing pretty good but due to being denied rehab. in a rehab. hospital the process is very slow. My husband and I are trying to do it in our home and I remember the drill from last year's surgery. The medical field is going to pot. Just like Colorado pot users are now allowed to smoke their weed in the open. My medical insurance denied me after a serious back surgery which they had to put in screws  no REHAB. Will I hate to complain but I think I have a good reason to be bitter. Putting a bed and a bed side potty in my family room was not what I wanted to do. I am not allowed to put weight on my right side for 6 wks. Now you tell me how in God's sake could I manage this without help. Well we are doing it, slowly but surely. I am sitting now for longer periods and also keeping up on my blogshop site. I am posting new items as they are made. Having a problem with Microsoft so I need to go to another browser like firefox. I will post photos as I can.
Thank you for all of the good wishes I received and also the gifts and cards were appreciated. Thank you again
From my home to yours I send you many hugs.