Hello everyone
this is JoAnne from My primitive home which was once called Johannas cedar houseprimitives
I have gone to a new look and new ideas for a web site. This site doesn't need as much time because not only does it have items for sale, it has ideas, recipes, photos, food and gift baskets as well as primitive baskets, primitive items and antiques... under the products I have a variety of items for sale. browse through the products and see what is there for sale. You will find many different things.. I want to share with you all the wonderful drawing my friend Lenzie made for me. Isn't it wonderful? love it so much using it on my web site.... wanted you all to see the picture I did with cross stitch. it is of P.Buckley Moss picture.
well everyone got to go back and do some more work on my new web site. don't forget come and visit me.
thanks and you have a good one
God bless